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Assalamualaikum wbt. and Good Day,

We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to all, celebrating the spirit of knowledge sharing among peers and the community, to join us at the 33rd Maritime Monthly Seminar, hosted by the Faculty of Maritime Studies TODAY. With the objective to foster profound perspectives and enrich our collective understanding, this series will be a special one as it is hosted in conjunction with World Ocean Week (WOW), underscoring the importance of our oceans in shaping the global landscape.

This time, the seminar will present two accomplished panelists to further discuss the topic entitled: “Straits of Malacca: Paving the Way Towards Malaysia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum”. The panelists are:

Moderator: Madam Wan Mariam Wan Abdullah

Faculty of Maritime Studies, UMT


Panel 1: Dato’ Capt. Jaffar bin Lamri


Centre of Maritime Excellence Sdn. Bhd.

(Adjunct Professor of Faculty of Maritime Studies)


Panel 2: Lt. Cmdr. Mohammad Zaini Zainal

Senior Assistant Director

Maritime Headquarters of Johor

Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency


The tentative of the program will be as follows:

Date: 27th July 2023 (Thursday)

Time: 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm

Medium: Online via Cisco Webex


Host Key: 250496

Password:  33rdMMS

Looking forward to meeting you soon!
Dr. Siti Marsila Mhd Ruslan
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Maritime Studies
University of Malaysia Terengganu
21300 Kuala Terengganu